Things to Throw Away Before Moving

Things to Throw Away Before Moving
Published on December 5, 2021

One of the most underrated moving tips is to downsize and declutter your home before moving. These tasks may feel like extra chores, but decluttering can make your move more accessible and cost-effective. The less there is to move physically, the less expensive a moving company’s services will be.

Decluttering is also an essential tip for an easy move for people moving on their own, as having fewer boxes can save you a lot of time and stress.

If you’re still deciding what to throw away, check out these home storage and organization hacks. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

1. Unused Appliances

Have any unused kitchen appliances just take up space? Getting rid of blenders or crock-pots you don’t use will free up a lot of space on your counter and in your kitchen cupboards.

2. Worn-Out Towels

After many years of regular use, your towels can get worn out, frayed, and may even have holes in them. Why don’t you buy a new matching set to replace your old ones for your new bathroom?

3. Clothes You Don’t Wear

Now is a fantastic opportunity to throw away or donate the clothes in your closet that you never wear. Whether they’re damaged in some way or out of style, there’s no sense holding on to them. All they’ll do is make your move longer and more expensive!

4. Obsolete Electronics

Is your home littered with obsolete electronics like VHS players, old phones, or remotes for TVs you don’t even own anymore? There’s no reason to bring these things with you during the move. Throw them away to make room for your newer electronics.

5. Shower Curtains

Unless it’s brand-new, you should typically throw away your shower curtain before moving. Dust and soap scum accumulate on shower curtains over time. This, paired with the frequent exposure to the hot and moist conditions of a bathroom, make shower curtains vulnerable to mould and mildew. That’s why we recommend throwing away your current curtain and simply purchasing another when you reach your new home.

6. Expired Items

There are probably multiple expired items in your home right now. It’s not always obvious when an item is expired. Some foods may start to reek and get mouldy, but other canned and bottled foods may appear normal. Medication and makeup can also expire, so be sure to check their expiration dates (or recommendations online) to decide what you should or shouldn’t throw out.

7. Glasses and Dishes

Your new kitchen cupboards may not have room for all of your various dishware, glasses, and mugs. Besides, you may own old dishes or cups that you never actually use. Instead of letting them continue to collect dust, throw them away, donate, or sell them to make some extra room!

8. Office Supplies

Many households start to collect tons of office supplies over time. This includes pens, pencils, permanent markers, paper clips, rolls of tape, elastic bands, and other items that you may have little to no use for. You shouldn’t necessarily throw all of them away, but narrowing down your collection of pens from 25 to 5 might be for the best.

Before Moving Speak With a REALTOR®

These minimalism tips will help you declutter and start fresh in your new home. That said, hiring a professional real estate agent is key to having the smoothest transition possible from one home to another. A REALTOR® can manage plenty of paperwork and tasks that you’d otherwise have to take on by yourself. This frees you up to focus on downsizing, decluttering, and packing!

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